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  • Framework


Deprecations and warnings in Ember.js should have configurable runtime handlers. This allows default behavior (logging, raise when RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION is true) to be overridden by an enviornment (Ember's tests), addon, or other tool (like the Ember Inspector).

Ember-Data and the Ember Inspector have both requested a public API for changing how deprecation and warning messages are handled. The requirements for these and other requests are complex enough that deferring the message behavior into a runtime hook is the suggested path.


Ember.deprecate and Ember.warn usually log messages. With ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION all deprecations will throw an exception. In some scenarios, this is less than ideal:

  • Ember itself needs a way to silence some deprecations before their usage is completely removed from tests. For example, many view APIs in Ember 1.13.
  • The Ember inspector desires to raise on specific deprecations, or silence specific deprecations.
  • Ember-Data also desires to silence some deprecations in tests

In PR #1141 a private log level API has been introduced, which allows finer grained control if specific deprecations should be logged, throwing an error or be silenced completely. For example:

Ember.Debug._addDeprecationLevel('my-feature', Ember.Debug._deprecationLevels.LOG);
// ...
Ember.deprecate("x is deprecated, use Y instead", false, { id: 'my-feature' });

Initially a public version of this API was discussed, but it quickly became clear that a runtime hook provided more flexibility without incurring the cost of a complex log-level API.

Note that "runtime" refers to Ember itself. A custom handler could be injected into Ember-CLI's template compilation code. "runtime" in this context still refers to handling deprecations raised during compilation.

Detailed design

A handler for deprecations can be registered. This handler will be called with relevent information about a deprecation, including guarantees about the presence of these items:

  • The deprecation message
  • The version number where this deprecation (and feature) will be removed
  • The "id" of this deprecation, a stable identifier independent of the message

Additionally, an application instance may be passed with the options. An example handler would look like:

import { registerHandler } from "ember-debug/deprecations";

registerHandler(function deprecationHandler(message, options) {
  // * message is the deprecation message
  // * options.until is the version this deprecation will be removed at
  // * is the canonical id for this deprecation
  if (options.until === "2.4.0") {
    throw new Error(message);
  } else {

Warnings are similar, but will not recieve an until value:

import { registerHandler } from "ember-debug/warnings";

registerHandler(function warningHandler(message, options) {
  // * message is the warning message
  // * is the canonical id for this warning
  if ( !== 'view.rerender-on-set') {
chained handlers

Since several handlers may be registered, a method of deferring to a previously registered handler must be allowed. A third option is passed to handlers, the function next which represents the previously registered handler.

For example:

import { registerHandler } from "ember-debug/deprecations";

registerHandler(function firstDeprecationHandler(message, options, next) {

registerHandler(function secondDeprecationHandler(message, options, next) {
  if (options.until === "2.4.0") {
    throw new Error(message);

The first registed handler will receive Ember's default behavior as next.

new assertions for deprecate and warn

Ember's APIs for deprecation and warning do not currently require any information beyond a message. It is proposed that deprecations be required to pass the following information:

  • Message
  • Test
  • Canonical id (with a format of package-name.some-id)
  • Release when this deprecation will be stripped

For example:

import Ember from "ember";

Ember.deprecate("Some message", false, {
  id: 'ember-routing.query-params',
  until: '3.0.0'

If this information is not present and assertion will be made.

Warnings likewise will be required to pass a canonical id:

import Ember from "ember";

Ember.warn("Some warning", {id: 'ember-debug.something'});
default handlers

The default handler for deprecation should be quite simple, and mirrors current behavior:

function defaultDeprecationHandler(message, options) {
   throw new Error(format(message, options));
  } else {
   console.log(format(message, options));

The default handler for warnings would be simple console.log.


By not providing a robust log-level API, we are punting complexity to the consumer of this API. For a low-level tooling API such as this one, it seems and appropriate tradeoff.


Each app can stub out deprecate and warn.

Unresolved questions

RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION could be considered deprecated with this new API.