Start Date Release Date Release Versions PR link Tracking Link Stage Teams
12/13/2018 5/13/2019
  • ember-source: v3.10.0
  • Framework

Glimmer Components


Glimmer components are a simpler, more ergonomic, and more declarative approach to building components. They represent the sum of multiple years of design and feature work by the community, which stemmed from the original RFCs and discussions surrounding "angle-bracket components".

This RFC proposes adding Glimmer components to Ember's public API, and making them the default new app experience in Ember Octane.


The Glimmer components API presented in this RFC was designed in cooperation between @tomdale, @rwjblue, @krisselden, @pzuraq, and others.

First, a Bit of History

As components became the standard for Single Page Apps (SPAs) several years ago, and the Ember community began adopting them in earnest and converting from Ember 1's primarily MVC oriented approach, there were many small and large issues that cropped up with Ember's component API and usage: {{curly-bracket}} syntax felt dated with the introduction of Web Components and other major frameworks; the inability to specify or override HTML attributes led to explosions in API complexity; the implicit wrapper element and customization fields (tagName, classNames, et al.) felt burdensome and made templates difficult to read compared to other frameworks; two way data-binding led to strange, hard to predict data cycles within apps; and so on.

From this came the original Angle Bracket component RFC. The idea was simple: switch to the superior <angle-bracket> syntax of web components, and solve all the other problems! Seems easy enough, right?

As you can imagine, it was not that easy. There was a flurry of discussion on the original RFC, and many ideas were thrown around. This was seen as the one chance Ember had to "fix" its component API, and the community did not want to get it wrong and lock us into yet another set of painful papercuts. After much debate and lots of back and forth with the design, it was ultimately decided that attempting to redesign components all at once, monolithically, was too much. Instead, the individual ideas from that discussion could be broken out and implemented in isolation, in a backwards compatible way, both incrementally building a new, well thought out component API and laying the groundwork in the framework for future redesigns.

A lot of the foundational work that arose from these discussions and paves the way for Glimmer components has already landed in Ember, including: Angle-bracket invocation, named arguments, element modifiers, and component managers.

Glimmer components represent the final piece of that's required to enable the "ember octane" programming model. They include the last of the major features that were discussed during the original Angle Brackets RFC, and holistically, we feel those features make a much simpler and more ergonomic component API. Taken alone, they are an incremental change. Their individual features aren't that much more than what we currently have in Ember today. But as a whole they represent the culmination of multiple years of design work and discussion by the Ember community, and the collective attention to detail and care of all of our community members.


  • The Glimmer VM is the underlying rendering engine which is used by Ember.js and Glimmer.js.
  • Glimmer.js is a thin wrapper on top of the Glimmer VM which exposes a much simpler API compared to Ember. Historically it has been used to experiment with ideas and implementations before bringing them into Ember via RFC, and has been used to write applications which don't require the full feature set of Ember.
  • Glimmer components are a newly proposed component API which draw from the experimental APIs provided in Glimmer.js, and Ember.js via sparkles-component.
  • Classic components refer to the standard component API at the time of this RFC, which have been available in Ember in some form since v1.
  • Tracked properties refer to a new method of change tracking which is being proposed in a separate RFC, parallel to this one.


GlimmerComponent is a simpler base component class that enables smaller class definitions, stronger conventions for lifecycle hooks and properties, and unidirectional data flow. We aim to design them to be easier understand in isolation, and require less knowledge of the framework to use effectively.

This example shows a component written with the classic component API:

<!-- templates/components/post.hbs -->
{{#if (eq type 'image'}}
  <img src={{post.imageUrl}} title={{post.imageTitle}}>

// components/post.js
export default Component.extend({
  tagName: 'section',
  classNames: ['post'],
  classNameBindings: ['type'],
  ariaRole: 'region',

  /* Arguments */
  post: null,

  type: readOnly('post.type'),

  didInsertElement() {
    if (this.type === 'image') {

And here is an equivalent component written with the Glimmer component API:

<!-- templates/components/post.hbs -->
<section ...attributes role="region" type={{@post.type}} class="post {{@post.type}}">
  {{#if (eq @post.type 'image')}}
      {{did-insert this.didInsertImage}}

// components/post.js
export default class PostComponent extends GlimmerComponent {
  didInsertImage(element) {

Glimmer components eliminate many of the common paper cuts that cause confusion with classic components, and align more closely with modern template syntax and features.

Outer HTML Semantics

The biggest change Glimmer components make is defaulting to outer HTML semantics. In the classic component API, components had a implicit wrapper element. Given this component template:

Hello, world!

The output by default would be something like:

<!-- OUTPUT -->
<div id="ember-1234" class="ember-view">
  Hello, world!

But we can't know that for sure unless we look at the component definition. If we do, we might see that the outer wrapping element is actually a section, and it has a .hello-world class:

export default Component.extend({
  tagName: 'section',
  classNames: ['hello-world']
<!-- OUTPUT -->
<section id="ember-1234" class="hello-world ember-view">
  Hello, world!

This behavior means that the template for a component is missing crucial information and context. Even for the simplest component, users must check the class definition to know with certainty what the full template of the component is. And unlike bindings, there is no hint to the user that there may be something dynamic that they should check on - without advanced knowledge of Ember's APIs, there is no way of knowing about this behavior.

By contrast, Glimmer components have no wrapping outer element - What you see in the template is what you get in the output. There is no need to define class names, class name bindings, attribute bindings, or any other DOM element values from the component class; developers can achieve the equivalent result using the same techniques they're familiar with from working with Ember.Component templates. The template is the single source of truth for the output of a component, and any dynamic values are explicitly stated in it.

<!-- template.hbs -->
<section class="hello-world">
  Hello, world!
<!-- OUTPUT -->
<section class="hello-world">
  Hello, world!

We can immediately see that this is a simple component with no bindings, no dynamic values, and no meaningful state. Even if there was a component definition, we know that it is not in any way affecting the output of this template. Special element ids and classes are also not present, making the output appear less magical.

This micro change makes a macro difference:

  • Users can spend less time switching back and forth between reading template and class code, and can get a better idea of the structure of an app from its declarative templates.

  • Component customization code becomes less imperative and more declarative, meaning users no longer need to keep the state of bindings, class names, and other class code in their heads.

  • The gap between template-only components - which are analogous to React and other frameworks' functional components - and components with a backing class is reduced, making them a more viable pattern.

Namespaced Arguments

In classic components, arguments are set as properties directly on the class instance. This means that class methods and properties can be completely overwritten by incoming arguments, which can have surprising and problematic side effects. For example, let's say we have a component that has a fullName computed property and expects firstName and lastName arguments:

// components/person.js
export default Component.extend({
  firstName: null,
  lastName: null,

  fullName: computed('firstName', 'lastName', function() {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

The public API of this component is supposed to just be those two arguements. However, a developer may realize that they can pass fullName directly to the component, overriding the computed property:

<Person @fullName={{this.fullNameWithMiddle}}>

This is clearly a bad pattern, but it shows that in effect that most details of a component's implementation are not truly private, and any property or value can be overriden from external contexts. In most common day-to-day scenarios developers just have to be careful that they are following the intended public API of a component, but this also has the potential for misuse and enables antipatterns.

Glimmer components assign their arguments to the args property on their instance, preventing namespace collisions from happening in the first place. This allows component authors to define a clear public API for a component which cannot be circumvented.

Immutable Arguments

In classic components argument values on the component are also mutable. This can lead to some confusing behavior, because argument values in the class can change, but named arguments in templates cannot. For instance, given this component:

// components/welcome.js
export default Component.extend({
  firstName: 'Jen',
  lastName: 'Weber'
<!-- templates/components/welcome.hbs  -->
Hey there, {{@firstName}} {{@lastName}}!

And this invocation:

<Welcome />

You might expect that the result would be:

Hey there, Jen Weber!

However, {{@firstName}} and {{@lastName}} would actually be empty values. They refer directly to the arguments passed into the invocation of the component, and to get the results we wanted, we would have to invoke it like so:

<Welcome @firstName="Jen" @lastName="Weber" />

The advantage in this is that named arguments are fully transparent. When seen in a template, users can know without a doubt that the named argument was a value passed in from the invocation. Likewise, when they see a standard binding to a value like {{this.firstName}} or {{firstName}}, they know this is a value defined on the component - it could a computed property, it could come from a service, it could be a random value, but it is not an argument.

Glimmer components align their argument access with named args by making arguments available exclusively on a (shallow) frozen object, this.args. Attempting to modify this.args will hard error, meaning that like templates, users will always be able to refer to this.args as the canonical state of the values passed to the component invocation.

Immutable arguments make reasoning about the state of a component simpler ("Was that a user provided value or a default/mutated/computed value?" becomes "Was it an argument or not?"), and encourages use of {{@arg}} syntax in templates where appropriate. At scale, this makes reading templates even easier, since more information is encoded in the template itself. One way data flow also encourages the Data Down, Actions Up pattern, and normalizes the way that data flows through apps, making reasoning about app state easier.

Minimal Classes

Classic components are large classes, with lots of built up functionality and debt from over the years. The total list of default properties and hooks (including inherited ones) includes:

  • 13 Standard lifecycle hooks, such as didInsertElement/willDestroyElement and didUpdate.
  • 29 Event handlers, such as click, mouseEnter, and dragStart.
  • 9 element/element customization properties, such as element and tagName.
  • 21 standard framework functions, such as get/set, addObserver/removeObserver and toggleProperty.

Coming from a class hierarchy that is 4 levels deep (Component -> CoreView -> EmberObject -> CoreObject, with about 19 mixins included along the way).

This is a large API surface to become acquainted with, and namespace collisions are possible with new Ember users - collisions on destroy were the original reason for adding the actions object to classes, and every so often a user will pop in on #help wondering why their click or submit methods trigger automagically, or why their component disappeared when they added an isVisible property. Even putting aside the possibility of collisions, the sheer amount of choice can sometimes be overwhelming: Do I put my initialization logic in init or didInsertElement? Do I use an action or the click handler? Which update method should I use - didRender, didUpdate, didReceiveAttrs?

Glimmer components have a constructor, 2 lifecycle hooks, and 3 properties. They only extend from the Glimmer Component base class -- a simple ES6 class that does not extend from EmberObject. They don't have any element/DOM based properties, hooks, event handler functions, whose responsibilities have been passed on to element modifiers. This dramatically simplifies what users need to learn in order to start using the bread-and-butter class of Ember, and enforces a single conventional location for each of the possible hooks in classic components, allowing users to focus on productivity out of the box.

Glimmer.js Compatibility

One of the goals for future versions of Ember, post Ember Octane, will be to enable lighter-weight applications to be built using the framework. Breaking Ember apart into smaller, fully independent and optional pieces is the core idea behind the "install your way to Ember" goal, which will enable Ember to be used in more constrained environments that smaller frameworks such as React, Preact, Vue, and more excel in. It will also allow users who are size-conscious to adopt Ember incrementally, adding functionality when it is needed rather than having all-or-nothing.

This will take time though. Progress has been made, but parts of Ember are still monolithic. And while it isn't Ember, Glimmer.js is a lightweight wrapper of the Glimmer VM that enables users to drop that weight and begin writing much more minimal apps today.

Glimmer components aren't just based on the Glimmer.js component API - they are one and the same. They will be a shared package, which will be importable and usable by the users of both frameworks. Not only will users be able to write better components in Ember, those components will also be cross-compatible with Glimmer apps (assuming they don't use Ember specific functionality).

It is important to note that while Glimmer components will be versioned independently from Glimmer and Ember they will abide by the Ember RFC process for any and all changes to user APIs. The implementations for their component managers in Glimmer and Ember may change to keep them compatible, but they will not make major changes without first getting community input, and will be considered part of the public API of Ember.

Prior Art

Part of the challenge in the original Angle Bracket components RFC was attempting to design without implementation, testing, usage, and feedback. Glimmer.js provided an early method to experiment, but because it was not widely adopted there wasn't much feedback from larger-scale usage. This in part motivated the component manager RFC, which enabled experimentation in Ember directly, and set us up for having multiple implementations of component APIs which were interchangeable.

As such, we now have two reference implementations which can be referred to:

  • Glimmer.js, the framework that this component API is based on, and will be cross-compatible with.
  • sparkles-component, an an implementation of the Glimmer.js component API using Ember's component managers. It is usable in Ember today.

Both of these have minor differences from the API proposed in this RFC, mainly because they were made before the element modifier manager RFC was accepted and opened up additional design possibilities. However, they serve as valuable data points for the viability of a simpler component API, and inform the design accordingly.

Detailed design

Glimmer components have the following interface:

interface GlimmerComponent<T = object> {
  args: T;

  isDestroying: boolean;
  isDestroyed: boolean;

  constructor(owner: Opaque, args: T): void;
  willDestroy(): void;

This class will be importable from @glimmer/component;

import Component from '@glimmer/component';


The constructor for Glimmer components receives two arguments: The owner instance and the named arguments object. Both of these arguments should conventionally be passed to super immediately, and then accessed through decorated service properties, getOwner, and this.args:

class PersonComponent extends GlimmerComponent {
  @service profile;

  constructor() {

    let owner = getOwner(this);
    let profileService = this.profile;

    let firstName = this.args.firstName;

These arguments are passed to the constructor so that they can be used for initial setup of the component. Service injections and args being available in this way also makes them available to class field initializers, which run immediately after the call to super:

class PersonComponent extends GlimmerComponent {
  @service time;

  // Use the values of args in an initializer
  fullName = `${this.args.firstName} ${this.args.lastName}`;

  // Access a service in an initializer
  currentTime =;

The args argument will be shallow-frozen (in development mode only) to prevent users from modifying them.

Type Injections

Ember's dependency injection system allows defining injections across an entire type via RegistryProxy#inject - for instance, Ember Data's store, which is available by default as on all Routes and Controllers. These injections add a layer of implicit state to objects, since users must know what the default injections are ahead of time.

By contrast, service getters (decorated with @service) clearly and explicitly state the dependencies of a class within its definition. The benefit of having an explicit dependencies list within each class has proven to be invaluable in practice since inject.service() was introduced.

Glimmer components will only receive the owner directly, and as such will not support type injections. This cuts down on the implicit knowledge developers must have when writing a component.


Glimmer components have 3 properties: args, isDestroying, and isDestroyed.


As discussed in the motivation section, args is an object with the values of the named arguments passed to the component. This property will be updated whenever the arguments change. It will be shallow-frozen in development mode to prevent users from setting values on it.


This property will be set to true when component teardown has been initiated, before the component's willDestroy hook is run, along with any other components which are currently being torn down. This allows the entire component tree to be marked before user code is run. It can be used by users to conditionally prevent asynchronous code from running, and to check on the teardown state of the component in general.


This property will be set after any willDestroy hooks have run, and the component has been fully torn down. It can be used by users to conditionally prevent asynchronous code from running, and to check on the teardown state of the component in general.

Lifecycle Hooks

Classic components have 13 major lifecycle hooks that run during 3 major phases of the component lifecycle, with some hooks running during multiple phases:

  1. Initialization and Initial Render:
  • init
  • willInsertElement
  • didInsertElement,
  • didReceiveAttrs
  • willRender
  • didRender.
  1. Rerenders and Updates:
  • didReceiveAttrs
  • didUpdateAttrs
  • willUpdate
  • didUpdate
  • willRender
  • didRender
  1. Destruction:
  • willDestroyElement
  • didDestroyElement
  • destroy
  • willDestroy

Many of these hooks have overlapping or redundant functionality, and it's fairly confusing when to use which and what the differences are. We can simplify this cycle in a number of ways:

  • Hooks that run during multiple phases such as didRender and didRecieveAttrs can be convenient at times, but also add mental overhead and redundancy. We can remove these in favor of clearly delineated hooks which only run during one phase.

  • "Bookend" methods (did* and will*) can be confusing, since they require some specific knowledge of what the "bookended" functionality is. For instance, users almost always want to use didInsertElement and willDestroyElement, but the existence of their opposite bookends can make this confusing. Additionally, the fact that didReceiveAttrs and didUpdateAttrs do not have opposing bookends is inconsistent with this pattern.

  • Hooks that are used to update derived state, such as didUpdate and didUpdateAttrs, can be generally be replaced with tracked or computed properties that pull the required values as they are used, rather than eagerly as they are updated. This is more inline with Glimmer's pull-based change tracking system, and encourages better practices that are easier to optimize.

  • Hooks which are used to manipulate elements or the DOM in general can be removed in favor of element modifiers, which are discussed in detail in the next section.

Based on these considerations, we can reduce these hooks to just a setup and teardown method: constructor and willDestroy.


The native constructor method for the class can be used for initial setup of the component. This effectively replaces init, and allows users to setup state before any renders occur. It has the following timing semantics:

  • Always
  • called when a component is created
  • called before any child components are created
  • called before any element modifiers with install hooks in the component's template

In many cases, using the constructor directly will not be necessary due to class fields, whose initializers run during instance construction.

class Person {
  constructor() { = 'Tomster';

Is the same as:

class Person {
  name = 'Tomster';

Class fields are assigned after the call to super in the constructor, but before any of the user's code runs, allowing their values to be accessed by users as well.


This hook runs when the component is being destroyed, and can be used for cleanup code. It has the following timing semantics:

  • Always
  • called when a component is removed
  • called after any child component willDestroy hooks
  • called after any element modifiers with destroy hooks in the component's template
  • called after isDestroying has been set to true, and before isDestroyed has been set to true
  • called after the DOM has been fully removed and is inaccessible
  • May or May Not
  • be called in a stable order relative to sibling component willDestroy hooks

Element Modifiers

DOM manipulation is a hard problem for component-oriented frameworks. We spend a lot of time crafting elegant, functional, template oriented abstractions that work very well, up until the point where we have to use an imperative native API like addEventListener or MutationObserver. This is not a problem unique to Ember - the recent introduction of the React Hooks API, and the various flavors of hooks that exist, many of which accomplish the same thing in slightly different ways, suggests that this is a fundamentally difficult problem no matter how you tackle it.

This is also evidenced by the sheer number of hooks which have been added to classic Ember components over time to handle various different use cases, and the fact that there does not appear to be a general consensus on best practices for using these hooks. In our audit, we observed the following:

  1. didInsertElement was commonly used for setting up component state which had nothing to do with the element and could have been accomplished in init.
  2. didRender was often used for setting up DOM state once on initial render only, instead of didInsertElement.
  3. didRender and didReceiveAttrs (or didUpdate and didUpdateAttrs) were used interchangeably for setting up and updating DOM state based on incoming argument changes, without strong conventions on when to use one or the other, or consideration for which ones fire in SSR (didReceiveAttrs and didUpdateAttrs) and which do not.
  4. Libraries like ember-lifeline were not uncommon for managing the extra state that using hooks inevitably creates, and imply that it is not always intuitive or well understood that you must clean up that state.
  5. Guards for SSR appear sporadically throughout various hooks, since some (didInsertElement, willDestroyElement) do not run in SSR, but others (didReceiveAttrs, didUpdateAttrs) do. This adds another layer of state that developers must be aware of as they are using lifecycle hooks. Often times these guards occured even in hooks which did not run in SSR, implying that it is difficult to remember which hooks are best to use in either situation.
  6. Hooks such as didRender had many different potential use cases. It was used for reacting to changes to component arguments in some cases, but in others it was used as a more general purpose "bloom filter", allowing the component to react to any changes to the DOM subtree. The variety of use cases seemed to add to the confusion about which hooks should be used in which circumstances.
  7. Another disadvantage of the flexibility of these hooks was that often developers had to add additional validation steps for their specific use case. For instance, if a developer wanted to react to a change to a specific argument in didRender or didReceiveAttrs, they had to add cacheing and comparison logic manually to do so for each property.

In summary, lifecycle hooks attempted to provide on general solution to the problem of DOM manipulation for all use-cases, and in doing so provided a solution that solves each individual problem and use-case in a mediocre way. Rather than continue these patterns in Glimmer components, we believe that they should lean instead on Element Modifiers.

Modifiers provide a single unified way to define multiple different APIs for interacting with the DOM. Individual modifiers can be targeted toward specific use cases, such as adding an event listener or MutationObserver, triggering a callback during certain lifecycle events, capturing element references for use in components, and more. Importantly, modifiers are easy to compose and self-contained, meaning that it will be possible for general purpose addons to be built for various use cases, and for them all to be used together without difficulty.

Conversion and Path Forward

Modifiers may be the general purpose solution for writing DOM APIs, but average Ember developers should not have to write a modifier very often. This is a key distinction - it means that beginner Ember developers will not need to learn the ins and outs of modifiers as soon as they need to use DOM, and that they will be able to instead rely on established patterns from established libraries, similar to helpers. This combined with the fact that DOM manipulation was on average a rare occurence in our audits means they won't be overwhelming to learn.

However, while we have merged the Modifier Manager RFC, the final API for modifiers themselves is still in RFC, and the community hasn't had a chance to experiment with them and develop patterns yet. We also want to be able to provide straightforward upgrade and migration guides for users who want to convert from classic component lifecycle hooks to modifiers. In order to cover this gap while the community is still absorbing the new APIs, the modifiers proposed in the Render Element Modifiers RFC will be released as an official Ember addon. These essentially expose the three hooks of modifiers to users directly, allowing them to pass callbacks from their components:

  {{did-insert this.setupElement @arg1 @arg2}}
  {{did-update this.updateElement @arg1 @arg2}}
  {{will-destroy this.teardownElement}}

These modifiers should allow users to approximate most of the existing lifecycle hooks, and in most cases should be pretty straightforward to update to. The Ember guides will provide migration examples for a variety of use cases to assist in converting to these modifiers. Over time, as addons and libraries are released that target specific use cases, the guides should be updated to include popular patterns and demonstrate the most effective and conventional ways to solve specific problems with DOM manipulation.

Lifecycle Hook Audit

In the design process of this RFC, we wanted to provide the minimal set of functionality that covered the previous use cases of classic components. The final API of Glimmer components as proposed in this RFC is very small, cutting out almost all existing hooks in favor of a handful of conventional hooks and element modifiers.

In order to be sure that these hooks and modifiers would cover existing use cases, we did an audit of a few popular addons: Ember Paper, ember-google-maps, and liquid-fire. These libraries were chosen because they represent a large mix of both common use cases and edge cases, and give us a decent cross-section of what the hooks are used for today.

We also did a less formal audit of a variety of addons and open source apps, including ember-leaflet, ember-power-select, ember-basic-dropdown, ember-table, vertical-collection, ember-composablity-tools, Travis Web, the Ghost admin app, and Hospital Run, along with general code searches through Ember Observer.

In all of these, the only use case we found that was not covered was the ability to run a hook whenever a render occurs in the subtree of a component using didRender or didUpdate. The only instance we found of this was in ember-google-maps, where it was used detect when an overlay component has rendered and needs to be repositioned. For this rare case, we believe a MutationObserver set to detect mutations to the DOM subtreemay be more appropriate. Alternatively, a component can be defined with a custom component manager, which still retains this ability.

The usages from the audit and their equivalent solution in Glimmer components have been included in this RFC in an appendix.


In classic components, actions are defined on the actions hash, and can be referenced in templates using strings passed to the {{action}} helper:

export default Component.extend({
  actions: {
    buttonPressed() {
      // ...
<button onclick={{action 'buttonPressed'}}>Press Me!</button>

This form of action sending is based on the ActionHandler mixin and requires that the component class have a send method. Glimmer components will not implement this API, and as such will not support string based action helpers. In development mode a special error will be thrown instead, informing users of alternatives.

Instead, users should use helpers or decorators to bind functions to the component instance. The action helper and modifier do this in templates, as does the bind helper provided by the ember-bind-helper addon:

export default class ButtonComponent extends Component {
  buttonPressed() {
    // ...
<button onclick={{action this.buttonPressed}}>Press Me!</button>

Alternatively, a decorator could be used to bind the helper to the instance, such as the @action decorator proposed in the Decorators RFC.

export default class ButtonComponent extends Component {
  buttonPressed() {
    // ...
<button onclick={{this.buttonPressed}}>Press Me!</button>

However, one method for binding methods which should be discouraged is assigning an arrow function to class fields:

export default class ButtonComponent extends Component {
  buttonPressed = () => {
    // ...

This is messy for a few reasons:

  • The method is no longer available on the prototype, making it difficult to mock
  • It breaks super and inheritance, meaning subclasses have no way to override the arrow function
  • Values such as arguments will not be set since it is an arrow function

For more details, see this document explaining the rationale for decorators over class fields for binding.


In it's current form this RFC is dependent on 2 of 3 open RFCs being accepted:

  • The Decorators RFC must be accepted, because Glimmer components cannot be defined using classic class syntax. If it is not accepted this RFC will have to be amended to add a way for users to define Glimmer components with classic classes.

  • The Render Element Modifiers RFC must be accepted, since Glimmer components currently do not have any render lifecycle hooks or ways to interact with the DOM.

    If it is not accepted, this RFC will have to explore some of the alternatives listed below ({{capture-element}}, bounds, and render hooks).

How we teach this

Teaching Glimmer components is intrinsically tied to a wider shift in the Ember programming model - the Ember Octane edition. From a teaching perspective, this edition will be completely overhauling the guides and updating all of the best practices as they stand. New users should see Glimmer components as the default, and should not ever have to write a classic component or see one in the main guides.

Classic components will of course be widely used for some time however, so a classic section which includes conversion guides and relevant codemods should be made available in the guides, and maintained for as long as classic components are supported by Ember.

Breaking down the public API of Glimmer components, we need to cover:

  • Native class syntax, including the constructor and class fields
  • Arguments
  • Lifecycle hooks and properties
  • Element modifiers

Native class syntax

One of the benefits of native class syntax is that it is used outside of Ember, so as time goes on we will be able to assume there is more general knowledge of it, and provide links to documentation for it for users who are not familiar. During this transitionary period though we should add a more thorough primer of the syntax to our guides, and explicitly call out the differences between classic class syntax and native class syntax, including:

  • Usage of constructor in classes which do not extend from classic classes. Otherwise, always use init. This will be tricky, because even when using native classes to extend from classic classes, you should still use init.

  • Nuances of class fields - they run after super, and before user code.

  • Benefits of class field initializers, and how they can be used to do much of the work that would otherwise be done in the constructor or init

  • Expense of class fields - new objects and functions are created for every instance, so users should also be careful with them.

  • What ends up on the prototype and what's on the instance

  • How do property initializers work

  • What's the default behavior of a constructor, as it pertains to super() and passing arguments

  • The risks of anonymous classes and class factories (i.e, you get poor stack traces)

  • How to implement "default values" in ES6

  • The risks of writing decorators in user-land code (until TC39 stage 4)

  • Methods vs arrow function member values

  • Getting ahold of prototypes if/when you need them


For arguments, namespacing makes sense in general as an API choice and is common in other frameworks (props in React, etc.). We should be sure to cover this thoroughly for users who are used to classic components, but it shouldn't require too much explaining.

Immutability will be a bigger sticking point in general, in particular the inability to provide default argument values. This is easy enough to work around using an {{or}} helper in templates:

Hello, {{or @firstName "friend"}}!

Or a defaulting alias getter in the class:

Hello, {{this.firstName}}!
export default class Greeting extends GlimmerComponent {
  get firstName() {
    return this.args.firstName || 'friend';

But does add a bit of boilerplate to components. Users will also have to be careful when attempting to override these "defaults" in subclasses, since it is not as simple as overriding a class field or property. We can guide users to use template-only components to "partially applied" components when trying to provide defaults in subclasses instead, leveraging the outer HTML semantics of Glimmer components:

<!-- components/button.hbs -->
<button class="button {{@type}}">
  <i class="icon {{@type}}"></i>
<!-- component/success-button.hbs -->
<Button @type="success">{{yield}}</Button>
<!-- component/danger-button.hbs -->
<Button @type="danger">{{yield}}</Button>

Or to explore possibilities using decorators, such as those in the sparkles-decorators addon.

Lifecycle hooks and properties

For users without framework experience, and users of other frameworks, lifecycle hooks will be very minimal and fairly easy to understand. The lack of render hooks may be the more difficult part to understand, and we'll have to lean on the documentation for element modifiers and make sure that is really excellent to get the concepts there across.

For existing users, who are used to having a variety of hooks to choose from when coordinating lifecycle events, the hooks may be fairly confusing. The bullet points here are:

  • Tracked properties/computed properties are the primary place to react to argument changes for any values that can be computed directly via getters. Ideally, most logic for derived state is conventionally in tracked or computed properties.
  • willDestroy is the correct place for all teardown code, like in classic components.
  • didReceiveAttrs, willRender, and didRender code should be extracted into functions which are then passed to {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
  • willDestroyElement code should be extracted into functions which are then passed to {{will-destroy}}

Additionally, we should make sure we cover isDestroying and isDestroyed pretty thoroughly. Users should know that they can (and probably should) check these flags if they are doing anything asynchronous that could happen after the component has been torn down.

Element modifiers

The render element modifiers will be the most different part of Glimmer components for users. The strategy for teaching these is included in their RFC, but the key points are:

  1. Teaching modifiers as a concept first, so users understand that what they're looking at is a general tool, and that the render modifiers are an official addon provided by Ember.

  2. Providing lots of examples for various use cases, especially for users transitioning from classic components.

Template-Only Components

Template-only components are not strictly speaking related to the GlimmerComponent class proposed in this RFC. However, conceptually they will probably be much easier to teach in relation to Glimmer components, and will be an important part of Octane that we should be sure to cover in depth. Additionally, the name of the optional feature flag, template-only-glimmer-components, would make teaching the differences between Glimmer components and template-only components much more difficult and confusing.

As such, when writing the documentation for Glimmer components, we should ensure that we cover template-only components in some detail as well.


Multiple component APIs

One major drawback to Glimmer components is that they add a separate API for components, meaning that for the forseeable future Ember users will likely need to learn how to use both interchangeably. This introduces a fair amount of mental overhead for users, but the benefits of Glimmer components and their simplicity should make this less problematic.

Heavy reliance on element modifiers

Glimmer components as proposed in this RFC are heavily reliant on element modifiers for element manipulation. Element modifiers are a relatively new concept in Ember, and as such will likely be unfamiliar to users and require more learning than normal to get used to. This also means that users will not be able to rely on well established patterns, and will have to develop new ones for dealing with element manipulation.

Lack of positional parameter support

Glimmer components are meant to cover most common use cases, but are also meant to be as minimal as possible. As such, they do not have support for positional parameters. Positional parameters are already unusable with any component invoked using angle bracket syntax, but Glimmer components will also not support them even when using curly bracket invocation.

The use cases for positional parameters are very uncommon, so it doesn't make sense to add them to the main component class as an option. Instead, we should make alternative component classes which support positional parameters, perhaps exclusively (e.g. asserting if positional parameters are not defined).


Render lifecycle hooks

The ommission of didRender, didUpdate, didInsertElement, willDestroyElement, and other render oriented hooks could be confusing to users. These were staples of classic components, are common in other frameworks, and make it easy for users to orient themselves when looking at a component class. They are part of the "standard lifecycle" that make up many component rendering systems, and make components easier to teach. They also allow users to place most of their element manipulation logic inside their components, which is a benefit for users who prefer lighter templates with less logic in them.

Element modifiers, by contrast, are a very new concept in Ember and will require users to learn a fair amount more just to get started. They force more logic into the template, and mean users have to look at the template to know if a method is an element lifecycle hook or an internal method.

Adding the standard element lifecycle hooks would allow users to follow the patterns they are currently used to, and that are used in other frameworks. If added without {{capture-element}} or bounds (see below), they could be used with {{did-insert}} and {{will-destroy}} for registering elements:

<div {{did-render this.registerElement}}></div>
class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  registerElement(element) {
    this.element = element;

  didRender() {

Add a {{capture-element}} modifier

This alternative would go hand in hand with having render lifecycle hooks. Rather than relying solely on element modifiers for DOM manipulation, we could add a modifier that allows users to specify elements which they want to reference in their component class:

<div {{capture-element this}}></div>
class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  didRender() {

This would have to take into account multiple usages, and variations of usages. For instance, how would using capture-element in an if or each work?

<div {{capture-element this}}>
  {{#if someBool}}
    <div {{capture-element this 'conditionalElement'}}>

  {{#each items as |item|}}
    <div {{capture-element this 'itemElements'}}>
class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  didRender() {
    this.elements.main; // the main outer div
    this.elements.conditionalElement; // the conditional element
    this.elements.itemElements; // An array of all the items that are rendered

This would also mean a fair amount of additional code would need to be added for reacting to changes in the DOM compared to {{did-insert}} and {{will-destroy}}. For instance, if the case of conditionally captured element, additional validation code will have to exist in didRender:

class ExampleComponent extends Component {
  didRender() {
    let { conditionalElement } = this.elements;

    if (conditionalElement) {
      this._previousConditionalElement = conditionalElement;

    } else {

This problem is compounded in collections, where any number of elements may be added or removed.

Add element or bounds on the component

We could attempt to add DOM references back to the component, instead of adding the {{did-insert}} and {{will-destroy}} modifiers. This would require us to handle a number of edge-cases (0 element, multi element), and would open up some intimate details of the Glimmer VM to user code (bounds nodes). If in the future the VM wanted to change these details, it could be problematic.

Element modifiers are less invasive, more declarative, and handle a lot of boilerplate type code (checking to see if an element exists, for instance). However, they are also very new to Ember users as a concept (aside from {{action}}) and could be difficult to teach.

init vs constructor

Recent changes to the way native classes extend from EmberObject made it so users have to use init instead of the constructor. This is a pretty universal caveat currently, so it's fairly teachable - there is a constructor, but use init instead (see the Native Class Constructor RFC)

With the current design of Glimmer components, we are introducing the first base class which doesn't extend from EmberObject, and requires users to use constructor instead. This could be confusing, and will have to be very clearly documented at the least.

We could alternatively include an init hook, or have both. This would allow users to follow one rule for object initialization, but would also lock us into the supporting the init hook for the forseeable future.

No owner in constructor

Sparkles components do not provide access to the owner or injections in the constructor, though it is a requested feature. Instead of passing the owner to the constructor, we could add a willCreate or init hook which allows users to setup the instance after the owner has been assigned.

Alternatively, the exact method by which the owner is passed to the constructor can be changed (on an object vs directly) or all injections could be passed, enabling typed injections.

Appendix: Lifecycle Hook Audit



Usage Use Case Converts To
link Setup component state based on incoming arguments Tracked properties
link Setup component state based on incoming arguments Tracked properties
link Element setup/update code based on incoming arguments {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Element setup/update code based on incoming arguments {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Element setup/update code based on incoming arguments {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Setup component state based on incoming arguments Tracked properties and constructor
link Setup component state based on incoming arguments Tracked properties and constructor
link Setup component state based on incoming arguments, validate incoming arguments Tracked properties and constructor
link Animate based on incoming arguments {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Trigger validations Tracked properties and constructor
link Element update code and sending an action Tracked properties and {{did-insert}} with args
link Updating logic and element update code Tracked properties and {{did-insert}} with args


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Container setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Set focus after initial render {{did-insert}}
link Setup animation based on arguments {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Set focus after initial render {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization (partially based on args) {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Measure element on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Measure element on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on initialization {{did-insert}}
link Element animation on setup {{did-insert}}


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Teardown animations on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}
link Unregister child class from parent willDestroy
link Teardown animations on destruction {{will-destroy}}


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Reapply styles based on changes to args {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Resize component based on changes to args {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}, or MutationObserver
link Animate component based on changes to arguments {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}
link Set elementDidRender boolean on instance {{did-insert}}
link Measure component on render {{did-insert}} and {{did-update}}, or MutationObserver
link Resize component based on changes to size {{did-insert}} with args, or MutationObserver
link Measure element sizes based on changes to args {{did-insert}} with args



Usage Use Case Converts To
link Synchronize options with Google maps Refactor to use actions to modify data, or use a modifier
link Update component based on changes to arguments Refactor to use actions to modify data, or use a modifier


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Register component with parent constructor


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Register component with parent and initialize constructor and parent component {{did-insert}}


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Element teardown code on destruction (and potentially destruction of parent) willDestroy and parent component {{will-destroy}}
link Unregister element from parent willDestroy and parent component {{will-destroy}}
link Teardown class state willDestroy
link Teardown class state willDestroy


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Detect changes to subtree and reposition overlay MutationObserver or custom component that can trigger actions on subtree rerenders



Usage Use Case Converts To
link Capture argument as component state constructor
link Capture argument as component state constructor
link Run update code for changing versions (and animating) constructor and tracked properties or element modifiers


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Trigger animation {{did-insert}}
link Set did render {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on insertion {{did-insert}}
link Element setup code on insertion {{did-insert}}
link Pause animations on insertion (continue later via action) {{did-insert}}


Usage Use Case Converts To
link Element teardown code on destruction {{will-destroy}}