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  • Framework


Unlike Handlebars, HTMLBars parses HTML as it parses a template. Bound attributes are one syntax now possible.

For example, this variable color is bound to set a class:

<div class="{{color}}"></div>

Though traditional HTML attribute syntax should be preserved (using class and not className for example), the default path will be to set attributes as properties on the DOM node.

However this happy path has several important exceptions, and results in a few strange edge cases. This rfc will go into detail about the expected behavior without talking about the implementation of attribute on the Ember rendering pipeline.


{{bind-attr is a verbose syntax and difficult for new developers to understand.

Detailed design

Given a use of bound attributes:

<input type="checkbox" checked={{isChecked}}>

There are three important inputs:

  • The element (tagName, namespaceURI)
  • The attribute name
  • The value (literal or stream)

The following described the algorithm for updating the attribute/property value on an element.

  1. If the element has an SVG namespace, use setAttribute. Setting SVG attributes as properties is not supported.
  2. If the attribute name is style, use setAttribute.
  3. Normalize the property name as described in propertyNameFor below. If a normalized name is returned, set that property on the element (element[normalizedPropName]). If it is not returned, set with setAttribute.

propertyNameFor is a normalization setup for attribute names that takes the element and attribute name as input.

  1. Build a list of normalized properties for the passed element normalizedAttrs[element.tagName][elementAttrName.toLowerCase()] = elementAttrName
  2. Fetch the normalized property name from this list normalizedAttr = normalizedAttrs[element.tagName][passedAttrName.toLowerCase()]
  3. Return this normalized attr. If an attrName is did not normalize to a property (for example class), null is returned

Acknowledged edge cases

  • Boolean attrs with blank string won't work like they would in HTML: <input disabled="{{blankString}}"> would be false
  • Some selectors may not work as expected. <input value="{{color}}"> will not result in a working [value=red] selector




Two obvious alternatives considered in detail are Angular and React.

In Angular 2.0, a new prop/attr/event syntax is being introduced.

Setting an attribute just like setting an HTML attribute:

<pui-tab title="What a nice tab!">

Properties are flagged with the [] syntax:

<input [disabled]="controller.isInputDisabled">

Angular is limited by it's HTML templating here. The value must be quoted to have complex content, where as in HTMLBars it is easier to bend the rules to introduce literal values: disabled={{controller.isInputDisabled}}.

Events are out of our immediate purview in this RFC, but for completeness note Angular's syntax:

<button (click)="hide()">hide image</button>

React's JSX has its own property syntax, one that diverges from traditional HTML by focusing entirely on properties instead of attributes. This means the templates are well prepared for use with components, but also that JSX must maintain a large whitelist of special cases such as supported tags and some HTML attributes.

In general we would prefer to have Ember templates be as close to HTML as possible, without requiring developers to learn a new set of property names replacing the attribute names they already know.

Unresolved questions

  • How do we deal with on* attributes?
  • Should we do anything special about generic element properties like <div outerhtml={{lol}}></div>?
  • Should HTMLBars unbound attributes use the same alorithm?

There is a spike of significant depth in PR #9721 and a followup in PR #9977.