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  • Framework

Reduce API Surface of Built-In Components


In order to reduce the API surface of the built-in <LinkTo>, <Input> and <Textarea> components, we propose to deprecate all named arguments on these components except the following:

  • <LinkTo>
  • @route
  • @model
  • @models
  • @query
  • @replace
  • @disabled
  • @current-when
  • @activeClass
  • @loadingClass
  • @disabledClass
  • <Input>
  • @type
  • @value
  • @checked
  • @insert-newline
  • @enter
  • @escape-press
  • <Textarea>
  • @value
  • @insert-newline
  • @enter
  • @escape-press


This is a follow-up to RFC #671 and shares the same high-level motivations and historical context.

Detailed design

The following named arguments should be explicitly documented as public:

  • <LinkTo>
  • @route
  • @model
  • @models
  • @query
  • @replace
  • @disabled
  • @current-when
  • @activeClass
  • @loadingClass
  • @disabledClass
  • <Input>
  • @type
  • @value
  • @checked
  • @insert-newline
  • @enter
  • @escape-press
  • <Textarea>
  • @value
  • @insert-newline
  • @enter
  • @escape-press

The arguments not enumerated above are either no longer necessary, recommended or accidentally exposed private implementation details.

No Longer Necessary

HTML Attributes

The built-in components historically accepted a varierty of named arguments for applying certain HTML attributes to the component's HTML element. This includes the following (may not be a complete list):

  • <LinkTo>
  • @id
  • @elementId (alias for @id)
  • @ariaRole (maps to the role HTML attribute)
  • @class
  • @classNames (deprecated, expands into the class HTML atttribute)
  • @classNameBindings (deprecated, expands to the class HTML atttribute)
  • @isVisible (deprecated, expands to the display: none inline style)
  • @rel
  • @tabindex
  • @target
  • @title
  • <Input>
  • @id
  • @elementId (alias for @id)
  • @ariaRole (maps to the role HTML attribute)
  • @class
  • @classNames (deprecated, expands into the class HTML atttribute)
  • @classNameBindings (deprecated, expands to the class HTML atttribute)
  • @isVisible (deprecated, expands to the display: none inline style)
  • @accept
  • @autocapitalize
  • @autocomplete
  • @autocorrect
  • @autofocus
  • @autosave
  • @dir
  • @disabled
  • @form
  • @formaction
  • @formenctype
  • @formmethod
  • @formnovalidate
  • @formtarget
  • @height
  • @indeterminate
  • @inputmode
  • @lang
  • @list
  • @max
  • @maxlength
  • @min
  • @minlength
  • @multiple
  • @name
  • @pattern
  • @placeholder
  • @readonly
  • @required
  • @selectionDirection
  • @size
  • @spellcheck
  • @step
  • @tabindex
  • @title
  • @width
  • <Textarea>
  • @id
  • @elementId (alias for @id)
  • @ariaRole (maps to the role HTML attribute)
  • @class
  • @classNames (deprecated, expands into the class HTML atttribute)
  • @classNameBindings (deprecated, expands to the class HTML atttribute)
  • @isVisible (deprecated, expands to the display: none inline style)
  • @autocapitalize
  • @autocomplete
  • @autocorrect
  • @autofocus
  • @cols
  • @dir
  • @disabled
  • @form
  • @lang
  • @maxlength
  • @minlength
  • @name
  • @placeholder
  • @readonly
  • @required
  • @rows
  • @selectionDirection
  • @selectionEnd
  • @selectionStart
  • @spellcheck
  • @tabindex
  • @title
  • @wrap

These arguments are no longer necessary – with angle bracket invocations, HTML attributes can be passed directly. An invocation passing one or more of these named arguments shall trigger a deprecation warning similar to this:

<Input @placeholder="Ember.js" />

{{input placeholder="Ember.js"}}

Passing the `@placeholder` argument to <Input> is deprecated. Instead, please
pass the attribute directly, i.e. `<Input placeholder={{...}} />` instead of
`<Input @placeholder={{...}} />` or `{{input placeholder=...}}`.

A notable exception when passing an argument named @href to the <LinkTo> component. This was never intentionally supported and will trigger an error instead of a deprecation warning.

DOM Events

The built-in components historically accepted a varierty of named arguments for listening to certain DOM events on the component's HTML element. This includes the following (may not be a complete list):

  • <LinkTo>
  • @change
  • @click
  • @contextMenu (for the contextmenu event)
  • @doubleClick (for the dblclick event)
  • @drag
  • @dragEnd (for the dragend event)
  • @dragEnter (for the dragenter event)
  • @dragLeave (for the dragleave event)
  • @dragOver (for the dragover event)
  • @dragStart (for the dragstart event)
  • @drop
  • @focusIn (for the focusin event)
  • @focusOut (for the focusout event)
  • @input
  • @keyDown (for the keydown event)
  • @keyPress (for the keypress event)
  • @keyUp (for the keyup event)
  • @mouseDown (for the mousedown event)
  • @mouseEnter (deprecated, for the mouseenter event)
  • @mouseLeave (deprecated, for the mouseleave event)
  • @mouseMove (deprecated, for the mousemove event)
  • @mouseUp (for the mouseup event)
  • @submit
  • @touchCancel (for the touchcancel event)
  • @touchEnd (for the touchend event)
  • @touchMove (for the touchmove event)
  • @touchStart (for the touchstart event)
  • <Input>
  • @click
  • @contextMenu (for the contextmenu event)
  • @doubleClick (for the dblclick event)
  • @drag
  • @dragEnd (for the dragend event)
  • @dragEnter (for the dragenter event)
  • @dragLeave (for the dragleave event)
  • @dragOver (for the dragover event)
  • @dragStart (for the dragstart event)
  • @drop
  • @input
  • @mouseDown (for the mousedown event)
  • @mouseEnter (deprecated, for the mouseenter event)
  • @mouseLeave (deprecated, for the mouseleave event)
  • @mouseMove (deprecated, for the mousemove event)
  • @mouseUp (for the mouseup event)
  • @submit
  • @touchCancel (for the touchcancel event)
  • @touchEnd (for the touchend event)
  • @touchMove (for the touchmove event)
  • @touchStart (for the touchstart event)
  • @focus-in (for the focusin event)
  • @focus-out (for the focusout event)
  • @key-down (for the keydown event)
  • @key-press (for the keypress event)
  • @key-up (for the keyup event)
  • <Textarea>
  • @click
  • @contextMenu (for the contextmenu event)
  • @doubleClick (for the dblclick event)
  • @drag
  • @dragEnd (for the dragend event)
  • @dragEnter (for the dragenter event)
  • @dragLeave (for the dragleave event)
  • @dragOver (for the dragover event)
  • @dragStart (for the dragstart event)
  • @drop
  • @input
  • @mouseDown (for the mousedown event)
  • @mouseEnter (deprecated, for the mouseenter event)
  • @mouseLeave (deprecated, for the mouseleave event)
  • @mouseMove (deprecated, for the mousemove event)
  • @mouseUp (for the mouseup event)
  • @submit
  • @touchCancel (for the touchcancel event)
  • @touchEnd (for the touchend event)
  • @touchMove (for the touchmove event)
  • @touchStart (for the touchstart event)
  • @focus-in (for the focusin event)
  • @focus-out (for the focusout event)
  • @key-down (for the keydown event)
  • @key-press (for the keypress event)
  • @key-up (for the keyup event)

These arguments are no longer necessary – with angle bracket invocations, DOM event listeners can be registered directly using the {{on}} modifier. An invocation passing one or more of these named arguments shall trigger a deprecation warning similar to this:

<Input @click={{this.onClick}} />

{{input click=this.onClick}}

Passing the `@click` argument to <Input> is deprecated. Instead, please use the
{{on}} modifier, i.e. `<Input {{on "click" ...}} />` instead of
`<Input @click={{...}} />` or `{{input click=...}}`.

Note that these named arguments were not necessarily an intentional part of the component's original design. Rather, these are callbacks that would have fired on all classic components, and since classic components' arguments are set on the component instances as properties, passing these arguments at invocation time would have "clobbered" any callbacks with the same name defined on the component's class/prototype, whether it was intended by the component's author or not.

For instance, the <Input> and <Textarea> built-in components implemented callbacks that would have been clobbered by these named arguments (may not be a complete list):

  • @change
  • @focusIn
  • @focusOut
  • @keyDown
  • @keyPress
  • @keyUp

Passing these named arguments historically supressed certain behavior of the built-in components, in some cases preventing the components from functioning properly. This was never an intended part of the original design and should be considered a bug.

This bug may be fixed at any time during the transition period – the supression behavior may stop without notice and should not be relied upon. An invocation with these named arguemnts shall trigger a deprecation warning with this additional caveat, similar to this:

<Input @change={{this.onChange}} />

{{input change=this.onChange}}

Passing the `@change` argument to <Input> is deprecated. This would have
overwritten the internal `change` method on the <Input> component and prevented
it from functioning properly. Instead, please use the {{on}} modifier, i.e.
`<Input {{on "change" ...}} />` instead of `<Input @change={{...}} />` or
`{{input change=...}}`.

Changing @tagName on <LinkTo>

Due to the classic component implementation heritage, the built-in components historically accepted a @tagName argument that allows customizing the tag name of the underlying HTML element.

This was once popular with the <LinkTo> component for adding navigation behavior to buttons, table row and other UI elements. The current concensus is that this is an anti-pattern and causes issues with assistive technologies.

In most cases, the <a> anchor HTML element should be used for navigational UI elements and styled with CSS to fit with the design requirements. Ocasionally, a button may be acceptable, in which case a custom event handler can be written using the router service and attached using the {{on}} modifier.

Other edge cases exists, but generally those solutions can be adapted to fufill the requirements. For example, to make a table row clickable as a convenience, the primary column can be made into a link, while a click event handler is attached to the table row to redispatch the click to trigger the link.

Since this feature is no longer recommended, invoking <LinkTo> with the @tagName argument shall trigger a deprecation warning similar to this:

<LinkTo @tagName="div" ...>...</LinkTo>

{{#link-to tagName="div" ...}}...{{/link-to}}

Passing the `@tagName` argument to <LinkTo> is deprecated. Using a <div>
element for navigation is not recommended as it creates issues with assistive
technologies. Remove this argument to use the default <a> element. In the rare
cases that calls for using a different element, refactor to use the router
service inside a custom event handler instead.

With the ability to modify @tagName being deprecated, the previously private @eventName and @preventDefault arguments on <LinkTo> should be removed as well. These arguments were ocationally useful when the element is something other than an <a> element, but in the case of an <a> element, the default browser action is to navigate to the href via a full-page refresh. If that is not prevented, it would defeat the purpose of using the <LinkTo> component.

Note that while the <Input> and <Textarea> components also accepted the @tagName argument, it was never supported and its behavior is undefined. This may stop "working" at any point without warning and should not be relied upon.

Other Unsupported Arguments

Other named arguments not explicitly mentioned above are considered private implementation details. Due to the nature of classic components' arguments being set on its instance, any internal properties and methods could have been clobbered by a named argument with the same name.

Some examples include private properties like @active and @loading on <LinkTo>, @bubbles and @cancel on <Input> and <Textarea>, lifecycle hooks inherited from the classic component super class like @didRender, @willDestroy and so on.

Clobbering these intenral properties and methods cause the components to behave in unexpected ways. This should be considered a bug and should not be relied upon. Any accidental difference in behavior caused by passing these unsupported named arguments may stop at any time without warning.

How we teach this

The implementation plan primarily relies on good deprecation messages to inform users of the deprecated features and their migration paths. Deprecation guides should be written based on the content and suggestions in this RFC. API docs should be updated to mark these arguments as deprecated.

Once this migration is complete, the built-in components will be much easier to teach, as they will have a small, well-defined API surface.




Instead of enumerating the supported arguments, we could attempt to enumerate all the unsupported ones. However, this is quite difficult as any internal or inherited properties could in theory be used as an invocation argument.

Unresolved questions
