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Deprecate and Remove ember-fetch


This RFC proposes removing ember-fetch from the blueprint for new projects, and recommends alternative, more native, ways of having "managed fetch".


the package, ember-fetch, does a fair bit of deceptive and incorrect behavior that is incompatible with modern JavaScript tooling, such as being ember-fetch, yet only importing from fetch.

Transition Path

  • Remove ember-fetch from all blueprints
  • Deprecate the npm package and archieve the github repo.
  • Migrate to an alternative for "managed fetch"

What does ember-fetch do?

primarily, it wraps the native fetch in waitForPromise from @ember/test-waiters (aka "settled state integration").

secondarily, but not popularly used, are a series of utilities (e.g.: for checking kinds of errors). These could be copied into projects that use them and modified to fit each project's needs.

Using native fetch

If you only use ember-fetch in route model-hooks, then the settled-state integration isn't used (or rather, you rely on the routing's settled-state integration, and ember-fetch's settled-state integration is extraneous)

Direct replacement

To replace ember-fetch's core-functionality using the least amount of effort involves adding a new utility in @ember/test-waiters, waitForFetch:

// in @ember/test-waiters
import { waitForPromise } from './wait-for-promise';

export async function waitForFetch<Value>(fetchPromise: Promise<Value>) {

    let response = await fetchPromise;

    return new Proxy(response, {
        get(target, prop, receiver) {
            let original = Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver);

            if (['json', 'text', 'arrayBuffer', 'blob', 'formData'].includes(prop)) {
                return (...args) => {
                    let parsePromise =, ...args);

                    return waitForPromise(parsePromise);

            return original;

To have a single import mirroring the behavior of ember-fetch, in full, folks can still provide a single export that does:

import { waitForFetch } from '@ember/test-waiters';

export function wrappedFetch(...args: Parameters<typeof fetch>) {
    return waitForFetch(fetch(...args));

And then throughout your project, you could find and replace all imports of import fetch from 'ember'; with import { wrappedFetch } from 'app-name/utils/wrapped-fetch';

Using a service

Potentially an easier-to-manage implementation uses a service such as the following:

import Service from '@ember/service';
import { waitFor } from '@ember/test-waiters';

export default class Fetch extends Service {

    requestJson(...args: Parameters<typeof fetch>) {
        return fetch(...args).then(response => response.json());

    requestText(...args: Parameters<typeof fetch>) {
        return fetch(...args).then(response => response.text());

Using warp-drive / ember-data

Docs available on

How We Teach This

  • Add a deprecation notice to the ember-fetch README
  • Archive the ember-fetch repo
  • Remove ember-fetch from the blueprints
  • Remove ember-fetch from the guides (only one reference per version)


  • if we keep ember-fetch is not compatible with modern tooling and modern SSR approaches


  • n/a
  • ask folks to wrap and proxy fetch themselves

Unresolved questions
