Start Date Release Date Release Versions PR link Tracking Link Stage Teams
8/29/2019 12/11/2021
  • ember-data: v4.0.0
  • Data

[DATA] findRecord/peekRecord via Identifier


Users should be able to peek or find records based on lid.


Apps and Addons making use of Identifiers may wish to peek or find the record for a known identifier. This RFC would allow them to do so.

Detailed design

A new method signature would be added to findRecord peekRecord and getReference. The existing signatures would not be deprecated at this time.

For the case where calling findRecord would result in a request being necessary but either no type or id information being known we would error.

This is because there is no meaningful way for the store to create a network request for a record that does not exist yet (a NewResourceIdentifierObject), or for one for which the only thing we know is a locally assigned id (Identifier).

interface Identifier {
  lid: string;

export interface ExistingResourceIdentifierObject {
  id: string;
  type: string;
  lid?: string;

export interface NewResourceIdentifierObject {
  id: string | null;
  type: string;
  lid: string;

export type Peekable =
  | Identifier
  | ExistingResourceIdentifierObject
  | NewResourceIdentifierObject;

class Store {
  peekRecord(type: string, id: string | number): Record | null {}
  peekRecord(identifier: Peekable): Record | null {}

  findRecord(type: string, id: string | number, options?: any): PromiseRecord {}
  findRecord(identifier: Peekable, options?: any): PromiseRecord {}

  getReference(modelName: string, id: string | number): RecordReference {}
  getReference(identifier: Peekable): RecordReference {}

How we teach this

For existing usage of these methods no migration or changes are necessary. For folks wishing to use the new APIs an example route is below that both peeks a record and makes a findRecord request.

current style

  @service('store') store;

  model({ user_id, post_id }) {
    let user ='user', user_id);

    return hash({
        post:'post', post_id)

using RecordIdentifiers instead

  @service('store') store;

  model({ user_id, post_id }) {
    let user ={ type: 'user', id: user_id });

    return hash({
        post:{ type: 'post', id: post_id })

If an lid is known the RecordIdentifier passed to these methods can provide it in addition to or in place of id.


  • It requires the user to create an object as an argument when seeking to use identifiers. However if the user does not do so we still do ourselves almost immediately, here we are shaping the object sooner.


  • peekRecord(null, null, lid) rejected for clumsy ergonomics
  • findRecord(identifier) attempting to request with just an lid, rejected until reconsideration at such time as our request fulfillment doesn't rely heavily on per-type adapters
  • peekRecord(identifier) but no findRecord(identifier) rejected because of the utility in these APIs mirroring each other, especially for relationships.
  • store.recordForIdentifier(identifier) instead of these changes, rejected because we already have a peek API.