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11/21/2016 3/16/2017
  • ember-cli: v2.12.0
  • CLI


This RFC attempts to expose a public API in ember-cli to allow other platforms/infrastructure to serve the base page (index.html) and other assets from the tmp directory in their own custom way. This is only for development as this will only be used with ember serve. Currently ember serve serves files from the tmp directory (which is built as part of the build process) using the broccoli-middleware. This middleware in addition to serving the files also sets the correct headers for the assets it is serving. This RFC aims to split the work of setting the header and serving the files into two different addons such that any other infrastructure can easily create a middleware to serve assets using its own logic.


FastBoot and other infrastructure (for example the infrastructure at LinkedIn to serve the base page) does not require the index.html to be served from the disk directly. FastBoot requires to serve the index.html after it has appended the serialized template for the current request. It therefore requires to do some runtime replacements in the index.html before it can be served to the client. At LinkedIn, we stream the index.html in chunks for performance reasons and require to do some string replacements in index.html on per request basis.

During development, this requires us to create our own express middleware via serverMiddleware which should run before the serve-files middleware. It also requires us to almost copy paste the headers that are set by broccoli-middleware. In addition to the above, the ability to be able to serve from tmp directory allows FastBoot and other infrastructure to correctly serve the assets from the directory pointing to the current build. Currently (with using their own middleware) FastBoot serves assets from the dist directory which is not the correct behavior.

In order to mitigate the need to diverge into another middleware which behaves almost same as broccoli-middleware, this RFC proposes to split the work of setting the headers and serving the files via broccoli-middleware and expose a public API that will allow an addon to define how it wants to serve the assets. It will be a low level public API that will be invoked by certain addons.

Detailed design

Currently the serve-files addon defines how it will serve the incoming asset requests. It invokes the broccoli-middleware which is responsible for three sets of things:

  1. Setting the response headers

  2. serving the files and ending the response

  3. Shows an error template if it is a build error

Public API

This RFC proposes expose two new in-repo addons in ember-cli which will now split the above work and remove the serve-files addon:

  1. ember-cli:broccoli:watcher: This addon will contain the middleware which will be responsible for making sure the build is done and will set the response headers that broccoli-middleware is doing today. After setting the response headers, it will call the next middleware in the chain. In addition, if the build results in an error, it will show the error template and not terminate the response.

  2. ember-cli:broccoli:serve-files: This addon will always run after ember-cli:broccoli:watcher addon. It will contain a middleware that will be responsible for serving the files from the filesystem and ending the response.

For any infrastructure that needs to serve the assets in its own way will be create an addon that will be injected between the above two addons. It will use the serverMiddleware public hook to provide its own middleware. Specifically the custom addon should run before ember-cli:broccoli:serve-files so that it can either override any response headers or can serve the files using its own logic and end the response. This will ensure that when the build is successful ember-cli:broccoli:watcher can call the correct next middleware in the chain.

Implementation Details

In order for the above API to be exposed, we need to drop the serve-files addon in ember-cli, refactor broccoli-middleware and create the two new addons.

Refactor broccoli-middleware to expose additional middlewares

Note: This refactor section is only for making the reader understand how the integration is meant to work in ember-cli. This is not going to be ember-cli public API.

broccoli-middleware is currently responsible for setting the response headers and serving the files. It is a middleware that does these two tasks. It doesn't expose a proper middleware API to do the two tasks differently. We would like to refactor broccoli-middleware such that it exposes two additional middlewares:

  • forWatcher(watcher):
   * Function responsible for setting the response headers or creating the build error template
   * @param {Object} watcher ember-cli watcher
   * @return {Function} middleware function
   forWatcher: function(watcher) {
     var outputPath = watcher.builder.outputPath;
     return function middleware(request, response, next) {
       watcher.then(function() {
         // mostly all of this
         request.headers['x-broccoli'] = {
           outputPath: outputPath
       }, function(buildError) {
         // mostly this:

  • serveFiles():
  * This function will be responsible for serving the files from the filesystem
  * @param {HTTP.Request} request
  * @param {HTTP.Response} response
  * @param {Function} next
  serveFiles: function() {
    return function(req, resp, next) {
      // get the output path from from the request headers
      // most of `broccoli-middleware`

Create ember-cli:broccoli:watcher addon

The current serve-files addon invokes the broccoli-middleware and delegates the task to this middleware to serve the files and set the headers. We would like to change that and instead this new in-repo addon ember-cli:broccoli:watcher should only call setResponseHeaders function from broccoli-middleware. The serverMiddleware function of this addon will now look as follows:

  ServeFilesAddon.prototype.serverMiddleware = function(options) {
    var app =;
    var watcher = options.options.watcher;
    var broccoliMiddleware = require('broccoli-middleware');

    app.use(function(req, resp, next) {
      // copy over this:
      if (options.options.middleware) {
        // call the middleware that is provided for testemMiddleware
      } else {
        var watcherMiddleware = broccoliMiddleware.forWatcher(watcher);

        watcherMiddleware(req, resp, function(err) {
          if (err) {
            // log error

As seen above ember-cli:broccoli:watcher will only be responsible for setting the headers and calling the the next middleware which will serve the files.

Create ember-cli:broccoli:serve-files addon

We will create a new in-repo addon called as ember-cli:broccoli:serve-files which will be responsible for serving the the files. This addon will run after ember-cli:broccoli:watcher addon.

This function will be responsible for serving the incoming asset request from the filesystem. It will use the serverMiddleware API to serve the files using broccoli-middleware.

  BroccoliServeFilesAddon.prototype.serverMiddleware = function(options) {
    var broccoliMiddleware = require('broccoli-middleware');
    var outputPath = options.watcher.builder.outputPath;
    var autoIndex = false;

    var options = { outputPath, autoIndex };
    app.use(function(req, resp, next) {
      var serveFileMiddlware = broccoliMiddleware.serveFiles();
      serveFileMiddlware(req, resp, function(err) {

In order for FastBoot to be able to serve the assets using its own logic, it will specific that it run before ember-cli:broccoli:serve-files addon so that it can serve the assets. In this way, FastBoot will be able to inject itself into the correct order and be able to serve assets from the tmp directory.

Drop serve-files addon in ember-cli

Since the work that serve-files does today is now split into two new in-repo addons, serve-files addon doesn't need to be present any longer. It is not exposing any public API or functionality that users may be using today and therefore can be dropped.

How We Teach This

We will need to update the ember-cli website with this new in-repo addon and specify the above usecase with an example.


The only drawback is addon authors wanting to serve assets using their own logic, will need to know the correct order of middleware execution. Moreover, if someone has forked ember-cli to hack serve-files addon logic, it will be a breaking change for them.



Unresolved questions

  • [ ] Should this addons be better named?