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6/3/2015 6/16/2015
  • ember-data: v1.13.0
  • Data


This RFC proposes new methods on the adapter to signal to the Ember Data store when it should re-request a record that is already cached in the store. It also proposes a new adapter options object that can be used by to provide instructions to the adapter from the place where the store's find method is called.


Use Cases

When it comes to fetching records, there are several different behaviors that users may expect. The behavior that users expect is influenced by unique quirks in their data model, pre-existing expectations based on traditional development models, and implementation details of their adapter.

Fundamentally, users may expect or want one of the following sets of behavior when fetching a model for the model() hook:

  • Fetching data from the server the first time a record is requested, but using only cached data subsequent times the route is entered. (This is the current behavior of find().)
  • Fetching new data every time the route is entered. The route will "block" (show a loading spinner) until fresh data is received.
  • Using local data if available, but otherwise not triggering any fetches if the data is not available. This is useful if records will be pushed into the store ahead of time, e.g. by a socket, and non-existence in the store means non-existence on the server.
  • Immediately returning a model with local data if available, rendering the route's template immediately, and updating the record in the background. If the record changes after conferring with the server, the template is re-rendered.


Fetch Only On Initial Render

In this model, the record data is fetched from the server the first time a record with a given ID is requested. Subsequent requests (e.g. leaving and re-entering the same route) use locally cached data. This is the strategy used by the current find() method.

The advantage of this model is that it keeps conferring with the server to a minimum. Once data is loaded, the client can render new routes with the model data that it has cached, without a network roundtrip.

Additionally, in some data models, records are immutable. For example, on Twitter, tweets never change. In an email app, emails cannot change once they are sent. Asking the server for the most up-to-date version of an immutable record is a waste of resources.

The downsides of this model are two-fold.

First, this model is surprising to new developers. When navigating between pages, they expect the most up-to-date representation to be fetched and displayed every time.

Second, even for developers who understand what is happening, it is very easy for long-lived applications to accumulate stale information, particularly if the model they are displaying updates frequently. Developers must somehow disambiguate between the first time a model is looked up, and allowing it to proceed, and detecting when a cached model is being used and updating it manually.

New Fetch Every Render

The advantages of this model are that it most closely matches the mental model for developers coming from server-rendered and jQuery backgrounds. In that model, every time a new page is loaded, the most up-to-date information is guaranteed to be displayed. Because each page navigation triggers a fetch from the database, the only way for information to become stale is for the user to stop navigating.

The downside of this model is that it eliminates many of the advantages of client-side routing. In traditional client apps, data is stored locally, and navigations use that local data. In this model, every page transition is blocked awaiting a network response from the server. It's a slight improvement in that the data should be much smaller than a full HTML page, but it is often latency and not bandwidth that causes slowdowns.

Never Fetch

While an edge case, many Ember Data users have requested the ability to fetch a record out of the store only if it exists locally.

One use case is for stores that are optimistically populated via pushed data from a socket. In that case, if the record doesn't exist in the store, it means that it doesn't exist on the server.

For obvious reasons, this is an uncommon case for the majority of apps. While we should support it, it should not be part of the happy path for new developers.

Immediate Render, Background Refresh

In this model, the first time a record is requested, it blocks the render and shows a loading spinner. On subsequent requests, the locally cached data is displayed and the render happens immediately without making the user wait.

However, in the background, the store also kicks off a request to the adapter to update the record. When the new data comes in, the record is updated, and if there have been changes to the record since the initial render, the template is re-rendered with the new information.

This is the model that I believe strikes the best tradeoff among the options available.

First, it preserves the speed of client-side navigation. Once data for a record is cached, transitioning to any route that relies on it is nearly instantaneous and has no network bottleneck.

Second, because it triggers a background update, even users who expect a new fetch every time will not be surprised as, ideally after a few milliseconds, the new data will arrive and be persisted into the DOM.

Third, in most applications, models are not changing frequently. Most of the time, the cached version in the Ember Data store will be identical to the latest server revision. In those cases, there is no point in making users stare at a loading spinner

Of course, there are several downsides to this model that we should keep in mind. For immutable records, fetching a new version in the background is wasteful of bandwidth and server capacity and we should allow developers to opt out of this behavior.

A second related case is apps using a socket to subscribe to record changes once a record is fetched. In those cases, fetching up-to-date information on subsequent requests for the model is wasteful because they have guaranteed that they will keep the model up-to-date via change events from the server. In this case, we need a way for adapter authors to signal that subsequent update requests for a record are a no-op.

Third, it may be an unpleasant user experience for new information to pop in suddenly after the initial render, particularly for records that frequently change in dramatic ways. In those instances, we should make sure we give developers the tools to build UIs that can indicate to the user that the information is being updated, perhaps by greying it out or displaying a loading spinner.

Detailed design


New Adapter Methods.

shouldRefetchRecord is a new method on the adapter that will be called by the store to make initial decision whether to refetch the record form the adapter or return the cached record from the store. This could method could be used to implement caching logic (e.g. only refetch this record after the time specified in its cache expires token) or for improved offline support (e.g. always refetch unless there is no internet connection then use cached record).

This record would only be called if the record was already found in the store and is in the loaded state.

This method is only checked by store.findById and store.findAll. Methods with fetch in their name always refetch the record(s) from the adapter.

   `shouldRefetchRecord` returns true if the adapter determines the record is
   stale and should be refetch. It should return false if the record
   is not stale or some other condition indicates that a fetch should
   not happen at this time (e.g. loss of internet connection).

   This method is synchronous.

   @method shouldRefetchRecord
   @param {DS.Store} store
   @param {DS.Model} record
   @param {Object} adapterOptions
   @return {Boolean}
  shouldRefetchRecord: function(store, record, adapterOptions),

The method shouldBackgroundUpdate would be used by the store to make the decision to re-fetch the record after it has already been returned to the user. This would allow realtime adapter to opt out of the background fetch if the adapter is already subscribing to changes on the record.

   `shouldBackgroundUpdate` returns true if the store should re fetch a
   record in the store after returning it to the user to ensure the
   record has the most up to date data.

   This method is synchronous.

   @method shouldBackgroundUpdate
   @param {DS.Store} store
   @param {DS.Model} record
   @param {Object} adapterOptions
   @return {Boolean}
  shouldBackgroundUpdate: function(store, record, adapterOptions),

In the next major version of Ember Data the recommend way of finding a record will be:'person', 1);

This will return a promise that:

  1. Waits to resolve until the data is fetched from the server, on the initial request.
  2. Resolves immediately with the locally cached request for subsequent requests, but triggers a request to the server for the updated version and updates the record in-place if there are changes.

In terms of the above methods shouldRefetchRecord will always return false and shouldBackgroundUpdate will always return true in the default RESTAdapter.

The fundamental guarantee of findById()/findAll() when using the default RESTAdapter is:

Give me the information you have available locally, then give me the most up-to-date information as soon as possible.

Currently, the find() method takes an optional third parameters that is passed to the adapter. In this API, that data structure is moved to a field in the new options hash:'person', 1, {
  preload: { comment_id: 1 }

isUpdating Flag

To assist developers in building UIs that communicate the state of models to their users, we should provide a helper that allows developers to show UI elements when a model is in the process of being updated via fetch().

I propose adding an isUpdating flag to models, which can be used to conditionally show a spinner:

{{#if isUpdating post}}


(Currently, only RecordArrays have an isUpdating flag.)

Models have an isReloading flag. This will be deprecated in favor of the new isUpdating flag.


Why should we not do this?

After the record has been updated in the background Ember's Data binding will cause any views to automatically update with the latest changes. This can result an a surprising "popping" effect which is especially pronounced when the background fetch resolves quickly (The user sees an initial render with the stale data then a quick re-render with the fresh data).


What other designs have been considered? What is the impact of not doing this?

One alternate option could be for Ember Data to track an expires token on a model. This would allow Ember Data to behave like a caching proxy when fetching. If the record is expired, fetch should block. If the record is not expired it would return a resolve the record right away however still issue a second request.

When used with backends that do not return an expires token. Ember Data would assume that the record is stale (this could be configured on the adapter).

Unresolved questions