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  • CLI


The goal of this RFC is to solidify the next version of the mechanism that ember-cli uses to build final assets. It will allow for a more flexible build pipeline for Ember applications. It also unlocks building experimental features on top. It is a backward compatible change.


The Packager RFC submitted by Chad Hietala is a little over 2 years old. A lot of things have changed since then and it requires a revision.

The current application build process merges and concatenates input broccoli trees. This behaviour is not well documented and is a tribal knowledge. While the simplicity of this approach is nice, it doesn't allow for extension. We can refactor our build process and provide more flexibility when desired.

Most importantly, the approach described below helps us achieve:

  • defining and developing a common language around the subject
  • removing highly coupled code and streamline technical implementation (Ember Engines and Fastboot)
  • unlock a whole different set of plugins we couldn't have before:
  • ability to create custom bundles (i.e per-engine and per-route bundles)
  • take advantage of HTTP2 multiplexing and cache pushing
  • optimising plugins (JavaScript and CSS tree-shaking)


  • New public API for customising build process and giving more granular control over the final build output


  • Packaging - The process of designing, evaluating, and producing final build assets.

Detailed design

The detailed design is separated in various sections so that it is easier for a reader to understand.


It gives you granular control over the final build output. It could be used in many different ways (we are going to go over use cases below). Note, it isn't meant to be used for "postprocess" transformations; "postprocess" is called after packaging is finished.

Currently, Ember.js application and all of its depedencies get assembled under one directory with the following structure:

├── addon-tree-output/
├── the-app-name-folder/
├── node_modules/
└── vendor/


  • addon-tree-output is a folder that contains dependencies from Ember add-ons.
  • the-app-name-folder is a folder that contains Ember application code.
  • node_modules is a folder that contains node dependencies.
  • tests is a folder that contains test code.
  • vendor is a folder that contains other dependencies.

Note, for clarity purposes we should rename addon-tree-output to addon-modules as both tree and output don't communicate well about the contents of the folder.

During packaging process the final output will be generated (everything that currently resides under dist/ folder when a developer runs ember build).

package API

A new public package method will be introduced to open up a way to customise packaging process:

// ember-cli-build.js
const EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');

module.exports = function(defaults) {
  const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
    package(inputTree) {
      // customise `inputTree`
      // and return customised `inputTree`

  return app.toTree();

package function has the following signature:

interface EmberApp {
  package(inputTree: BroccoliTree): BroccoliTree;

where inputTree will have the following structure:

├── addon-modules/
├── the-app-name-folder/
├── node_modules/
├── tests/
└── vendor/

Note, that package method must return a broccoli tree.

This change should be behind an experiment flag, PACKAGING. This will allow us to start experimenting right away and not being tied to a particular release cycle.

Note, that package is optional. If you don't define it, you're effectively "opting out" of the feature and using the default behaviour.

defaultPackager API

It's important to make it easy for users to still use default Ember CLI packaging.

defaultPackager is a way for the users to access out-of-the-box packaging while still be able to customise the final build output.

// ember-cli-build.js
const EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
const defaultPackager = require('ember-cli-default-packager');

module.exports = function(defaults) {
  const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
    package(inputTree) {
      // customise `inputTree`

      return defaultPackager(app, inputTree);

  return app.toTree();

defaultPackager has the following signature:

function defaultPackager(app: EmberApp, inputTree: BroccoliTreel): BroccoliTree;

defaultPackager must return a BroccoliTree.

Possible usages


One of the applications of package API would be to run different analysis on the Ember applications. Take broccoli-concat-analyser, for example. This could be easily incorporated into the build.

// ember-cli-build.js
const EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
const defaultPackager = require('ember-cli-default-packager');

module.exports = function(defaults) {
  const app = new EmberApp(defaults, { });

  app.package = function(inputTree) {
    const analysedTree = new BroccoliConcatAnalyser(inputTree);

    return defaultPackager(app, analysedTree);

  return app.toTree();

Static Assets Split

One of the techniques for improving site speed is isolating changes throughout application deployments. Assuming the application assets are uploaded to CDN, the reasoning is very simple: if ember.js or jQuery (possibly along with other third party libraries) don't change with every deployment, why bust CDN cache for them?

ES6 Modules

ES6 modules are starting to land in browsers. This means that you can use <script type="module" src="/my/app.js"></script>.

This article explains the benefits of using ES6 modules over ES2015 (smaller total file sizes, faster to parse and evaluate).

package API will make it possible to package your application for both ES2015 only browsers as well the ones with ES6 modules support.

Topics for Future RFCs

While working on this RFC, some ideas were brought into focus regarding existing and new features in Ember CLI. They all likely require separate discussions in future RFCs, but the discussion points have been included below.


Firstly, what's tree-shaking? AFAIK, the term originated in Lisp. The gist of the idea is "how about we start using only the code that we actually need?"

Secondly, how is it different from Dead Code Elimination? Rich Harris offers a pretty good explanation in the context of Rollup. The gist is dead code elimination happens on a final product by removing bits that are unused. Tree-shaking is quite different - given an object we want to construct, what is the exact set of dependencies we need?.

With this RFC, we lay out the foundation and create a framework by which both dead code elimination and tree-shaking code be implemented.

However, there are still several things that are missing:

  • Linker - Responsible for resolving and reducing the graph to a tree containing only reachable modules.
  • File System Resolver - Responsible for connecting a module name with a file path.

Linker would be responsible for:

  • building a minimal dependency graph as well as check for redundant edges in the graph (more on the topic, Transitive reduction of a directed graph);
  • producing an application tree with only used modules

Dependency graph represents dependencies using module names, there is a need to be able to convert module name to file path. This is where File System Resolver comes in. Here's couple of examples:

fileSystemResolver.resolve('lodash') => `some-path/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js`
fileSystemResolver.resolve('ember-ajax') => `some-path/addon-modules/ember-ajax/index.js`
fileSystemResolver.resolve('ember-data') => `some-path/addon-modules/modules/ember-data/index.js`
fileSystemResolver.resolve('ember-data/-private') => `some-path/addon-modules/modules/-private.js`

This effort could be broken down into several phases:

  • dead modules elimination inside of the addons/ (application would be the main entry point and unused modules are removed only from addons/)
  • dead modules elimination inside of the app/
  • removing unused components and helpers (requires analysing templates)
  • removing unused initializers/services (this likely entails work on dependency injection layer as we would need access to a resolver resolution map)
  • tree-shaking (Rollup-like tree-shaking where we include only the code that is used)

Linker would be able to take an exclude list of modules as a parameter. Although, valuable in some situations, it should be clearly marked as advanced API. It should be used as a last resort and serve as an "escape hatch".

It would make sense to implement Linker as a strategy. Developers would be able to "opt in"/"opt out" of optimising behaviour.

Deprecating app.import API

Ember applications which choose to use Linker strategy should be able to remove usages of app.import.


With growing complexity of Ember applications, it is crucial to provide more insights into final assets.

Main goals are:

  • report raw/uglified/compressed asset sizes; broccoli-concat-analyser
  • find source code duplication across your javascript assets (enables you to fine tune code splitting parameters to reduce bundle invalidation rates as well as improve repeat page load performance)

How We Teach This

This is a backward compatible change to the existing Ember CLI ecosystem. In order to teach users how to use package API, we need to update the API docs with a section for this and the best practices of when to use this. A more general purpose blog post could be beneficial as well.


There are several potential drawbacks that are worth noting.

Build performance. There is minimal overhead in instantiating strategies and calling methods on them and I believe this approach shouldn't degrade build performance.

A note on add-ons. Add-ons don't rely on the way Ember CLI does bundling. That means existing build system continues to work as expected and add-ons won't have to change their implementation.


This RFC allows us to customise packaging when needed. Webpack has become very popular in solving this similar problem. One could implement a package function that would use Webpack for packaging. Ultimately, we need something that is aware of how Ember apps are assembled and how Ember apps utilise dependency injection that takes advantage of existing tools. The long term plan is to have a dependency graph that is aware of application structure so can avoid the "wall of configuration" that other asset packaging systems are susceptible to.

Unresolved questions

  • Will it increase build time?
  • Should we introduce the same API on add-on level?


Many thanks for @stefanpenner, @rwjblue and @chadhietala for helping me to drive this forward.