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  • Framework

Tracked Storage Primitives


Provide a low level primitive for storing tracked values:

let storage = createStorage();

// Set the value of the storage
setValue(storage, 123);

// Get the value of the storage


Today, there are two methods for creating a tracked value in Ember apps:

  1. The @tracked decorator, which turns class properties into tracked properties
  2. Ember.get, which can be used to track a key on an object so that it updates if it is set with Ember.set, or dirtied with notifyPropertyChange.

The @tracked decorator is good for cases where there are a known set of mutable values on a class, which is one of the most common use cases in Ember applications. There are a number of cases, however, where there are unknown, dynamic, or potentially infinite numbers of decoratable keys. An example of this is maps.

Maps are used as key-value stores, typically in cases where the keys are not known upfront or are dynamic. In many cases, there are many thousands of potential keys that could be used in a map, even if only a few ever actually are used. Decorating each and every potential key on a class in these types of cases is not practical, and if non-alpha-numeric keys are used, not possible.

There are a few different ways that this type of use case can be solved with public APIs today:

  1. We can use the "immutable pattern", where the map is duplicated whenever we wish to change it, the change is applied, and the result is re-assigned to the tracked property the map is assigned to.
   @tracked map = new Map();

   updateMapValue(key, value) {
     let newMap = new Map(;
     newMap.set(key, value); = newMap;

This pattern works nicely when followed rigorously, and was the initial pattern proposed for all of these types of data structures and operations (it's even in the official documentation). However, it is fairly unergonomic without the aid of additional libraries, such as Immer.js, and it incurs a decent amount of overhead, especially in cases where the data structures are large.

One solution for that is to re-set the tracked property with the same value, after the mutation:

   @tracked map = new Map();

   updateMapValue(key, value) {, value); =;

This pattern is problematic however, because it's not obvious what the purpose of re-setting the property is. A developer unfamiliar with Ember may mistakenly believe this was an error, and remove this statement, causing bugs. It's not a very google-able pattern either, which makes it more difficult to learn and to teach. Finally, it's fairly easy this way for the state to get out of sync with the rest of the system if a developer forgets to add the extra re-set after mutating the value.

Over time, it's become clear that this pattern is in actuality an antipattern for these reasons, and something we should begin to discourage in general.

Note that the original immutable pattern, in which state is fully copied, does not have these problems, and remains a fully valid pattern. However, due to performance constraints, ergonomics, and personal preferences, it does not make sense for every Ember application, so we still need to enable alternative patterns.

  1. We can continue to use Ember.get and Ember.set with plain objects. This pattern works now and will continue to work for the forseeable future, but does not support using non-string values as keys, so it cannot cover all the same use cases as Map. In addition, it's not practical for other types of collections, such as as arrays, since get and set were not built to work with them.

    In addition, it presents a mismatch between the models put forward in Octane, and the models of Ember classic. In Octane, the idea is that the details of state tracking are opaque to the user. Using get and set manually means that every time the object is accessed or updated, the user has to consciously remember to use these special functions - they have to think about the details of tracking state. This is a bug-prone process, because it only takes one mistake in one usage, and the state itself could be used in many places. In Octane, users should only need to declare reactivity once - when the state itself is defined.

  2. We can use the Cell pattern, as described in this blog post. This pattern is robust, and can be used to make many types of tracked data structures, as the tracked-built-ins library shows. There are a few main downsides to it:

  • Since it is not a formalized pattern, anyone who wants to use it has to reimplement it. This is not a huge amount of code to add to any given addon, but it means addon authors have to rederive the pattern themselves from scratch, which is not ideal. It means there is more overhead overall to learning these patterns in the first place.
  • It is not an optimal pattern, because it adds a layer of decoration and an instance of a class for every cell. This is not a major amount of overhead, but ideally we wouldn't incur it at all.
  • It has no potential for future extensibility, particularly with regards to debug tooling. Ideally, tracked state, even custom tracked state, should be easy to understand and debug with standard Ember tooling. Currently, when users look at a stack trace with an issue caused by a cell, they get something that is very difficult to understand ("why is it telling me there's an issue with setting value when I'm setting a completely different key on my TrackedMap?")

Out of these patterns, the Cell pattern is the most robust and most in-line with state management in Ember Octane. This RFC seeks to formalize it and add it to the framework, so we can standardize on a common pattern and address the issues that it currently has.

Detailed design

This RFC proposes adding the following APIs, exported from @glimmer/tracking/primitives/storage:

declare function createStorage<T>(
  initialValue?: T,
  isEqual?: (oldValue: T, newValue: T) => boolean
): Storage<T>;

declare function getValue<T>(storage: Storage<T>): T;

declare function setValue<T>(storage: Storage<T>, value: T): void;


This function creates and returns an instance of a tracked storage. Tracked storage instances contain one value, which can be read with getValue and set with setValue. Reading the value consumes it, so that any tracked computations which are currently active will become entangled with it, and setting value later will dirty it and cause them to recompute. Creating the value does not consume it.

createStorage can receive an optional initial value as its first parameter. It also receives an optional isEqual function. This function runs whenever the value is about to be set, and determines if the value is equal to the previous value. If it is equal, it does not set the value or dirty it. This defaults to === equality.


This function receives a tracked storage instance, and returns the value it contains, consuming it so that it entangles with any currently active autotracking contexts.


This function receives a tracked storage instance and a value, and sets the value of the tracked storage to the passed value if it is not equal to the previous value. If the value is set, it will dirty the storage, causing any tracked computations which consumed the stored value to recompute. If the value was not changed, then it does not set the value or dirty it.

Re-implementing @tracked with storage

We can see how the @tracked decorator itself can be re-implemented using tracked storage.

function tracked(target, key, { initializer }) {
  let storages = new WeakMap();

  function getStorage(obj) {
    let storage = storages.get(obj);

    if (storage === undefined) {
      storage = createStorage(, () => false);
      storages.set(this, storage);

    return storage;

  return {
    get() {
      return getValue(getStorage(this));

    set(value) {
      return setValue(getStorage(this), value);

A note on this design

In general, API design and cohesiveness is an important value in Ember. We work very hard as a community to develop patterns which are uniform across many different types of APIs, which in turn leads to a better DX as developers can generally know what to expect from a given API without even needing to read the documentation.

The API proposed in this RFC, which uses functions to access and manipulate a value via an opaque handle, is an unusual API design when compared to most other Ember APIs. It is a pattern which provides extra flexibility to the implementers of the API, at the cost of a severe DX penalty for the users of the API, because of this unusual-ness.

As such this pattern should be used extremely sparingly, on APIs which meet the following criteria:

  1. They are not expected to be used by every Ember developer. If the API will be used in the Super Rentals tutorial, or the standard non-advanced sections of the guides, then it should not use this pattern.
  2. They are for extremely core parts of Ember, such as autotracking, where the primitives underlying them could potentially change significantly in the future, and maximum flexibility is desired because of this.
  3. They are for extremely performance critical parts of Ember, with usages in the hundreds of thousands or millions per app, and so maximum flexbility is desired in order to be able to leverage changes to the primitives for optimizing performance.

In general, most Ember APIs will not meet these requirements, and so this API design should not be used for them.

How we teach this

The API docs for this feature can be taken from the descriptions of the functions in the detailed design section of the RFC. The following guide should be added to the Autotracking In-Depth guide in the official guides, and the section on POJOs should be removed.

Creating custom tracked data structures

Tracked properties are a great solution for many different use cases. However, sometimes they aren't the right tool for the job. For instance, you may need have a problem that requires you to work with a number of dynamically created properties, rather than ones that you know up front.

For example, we could make a scoreboard component that keeps score for an arbitrary number of players, and keep track of the score for each player using a JavaScript Map.

// app/components/scoreboard.js
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default class Scoreboard extends Component {
  // Mock data for players - this would eventually be replaced with an argument
  // so players could be passed in
  players = [
    { name: 'Zoey' },
    { name: 'Tomster' },

  // Create a map from player -> score, with each player's score starting at 0
  scores = new Map( => [p, 0]));

  incrementScore(player) {
    let currentScore = this.scores.get(player);

    this.scores.set(player, currentScore + 1);
{{#each-in this.scores |player score|}}
    {{}}: {{score}}

    <button type="button" {{on "click" (fn this.incrementScore player)}}>

This component will loop over the map of scores and show each player's name and score, along with a button to increment the score. The logic for this component is all correct, but it won't update when we increment the score because the scores map is not tracked state. Let's fix that!

Ember provides a set of primitive APIs for creating tracked storage. These APIs can be used to create higher level tracked data structures. In fact, the @tracked decorator is implemented using tracked storage, and we can see how it boils down to tracked storage under the hood in this example.

import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

class Person {
  @tracked name;

// could be thought of as:
import {
} from '@glimmer/tracking/primitives/storage';

class Person {
  #name = createStorage();

  get name() {
    return getValue(this.#name);

  set name(value) {
    setValue(this.#name, value);

In this case, we'll create TrackedMap, a class that has the same public API and behavior as Map, but is integrated with autotracking so that if we read or update a value in the map our app will correctly rerender.

First off, let's start off with the basics for our class. We want it to have the same semantics as a standard map, and there's no need to re-implement the wheel. We can use a standard map as the backing storage for our custom wrapper, and defer to it directly.

// app/utils/tracked-map.js
class TrackedMap {
  #map = new Map();

  constructor(initialValues) {
    for (let [key, value] of initialValues) {
      this.set(key, value);

  get(key) {
    return this.#map.get(key);

  set(key, value) {
    this.#map.set(key, value);

  forEach(fn) {

  // Other methods and APIs omitted...

Now, we need to add our tracked storage. We'll use the createStorage API to do this.

// app/utils/tracked-map.js
import {
} from '@glimmer/tracking/primitives/storage';

class TrackedMap {
  #map = new Map();

  constructor(initialValues) {
    for (let [key, value] of initialValues) {
      this.set(key, value);

  _getStorage(key) {
    let storage = this.#map.get(key);

    if (storage === undefined) {
      storage = createStorage();
      this.#map.set(key, storage);

    return storage;

  get(key) {
    return getValue(this._getStorage(key));

  set(key, value) {
    setValue(this._getStorage(key), value);

  forEach(fn) {
    this.#map.forEach((storage, key) => fn(getValue(storage, key, this)));

  // Other methods and APIs omitted...

Now, instead of setting values directly in our internal private map, we're wrapping those values in tracked storage. We create the storage instances with createStorage, we get the value from them with getValue, and we set the value in the with setValue. Each tracked storage contains exactly one value, and whenever we read that value with getValue, it is consumed in any tracked computations that are currently occuring - just like reading the value of a tracked property. Likewise, setting the value of a tracked storage instance with setValue will dirty it, and cause any tracked computations which used it previously to recompute, just like setting the value of a tracked property.

There's just one issue with this implementation so far - what happens to forEach if we add a new value to the TrackedMap, one that didn't exist before? Currently, forEach will consume every existing value and entangle it, but it will not rerun if we were to add a new key to the map.

Logically, the thing we're trying to represent here is the state of the collection's iteration. We can do this by creating another storage, and placing the collection in it.

// app/utils/tracked-map.js
import {
} from '@glimmer/tracking/primitives/storage';

class TrackedMap {
  #map = new Map();
  #collection = createStorage(this, () => false);

  constructor(initialValues) {
    for (let [key, value] of initialValues) {
      this.set(key, value);

  _getStorage(key) {
    let storage = this.#map.get(key);

    if (storage === undefined) {
      storage = createStorage();
      this.#map.set(key, storage);

    return storage;

  get(key) {
    return getValue(this._getStorage(key));

  set(key, value) {
    // dirty the collection state
    setValue(this.#collection, this);
    setValue(this._getStorage(key), value);

  forEach(fn) {
    // Entangle the collection state
    this.#map.forEach((storage, key) => fn(getValue(storage, key, this)));

  // Other methods and APIs omitted...

Now we have a storage that we use to represent the value of the collection itself. We pass a custom equality function to this storage which always returns true, meaning that whenever we set the value of this storage, it will always notify, even if the value hasn't changed. We then entangle the collection storage in forEach by using getValue on it, even though we don't actually use the value, and we dirty with setValue whenever we set a value. Since we used a custom equality function that will always notify, we can set it to the collection itself again.

That should cover all of the basic functionality! If we now use TrackedMap in our original example instead of Map everything should update and work as expected:

// app/components/scoreboard.js
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import TrackedMap from '../utils/tracked-map';

export default class Scoreboard extends Component {
  // Mock data for players - this would eventually be replaced with an argument
  // so players could be passed in
  players = [
    { name: 'Zoey' },
    { name: 'Tomster' },

  // Create a map from player -> score, with each player's score starting at 0
  scores = new TrackedMap( => [p, 0]));

  incrementScore(player) {
    let currentScore = this.scores.get(player);

    this.scores.set(player, currentScore + 1);
{{#each-in this.scores |player score|}}
    {{}}: {{score}}

    <button type="button" {{on "click" (fn this.incrementScore player)}}>


  • Stick with higher level APIs and don't expose the primitives. This could lead to an explosion of high level complexity, as Ember tries to provide every type of construct for users to use, rather than a low level primitive.

  • Expose a more functional or more object-oriented API. This would be a somewhat higher level API than the one proposed here, which may be a bit more ergonomic, but also would be less flexible. Since this is a new primitive and we aren't sure what features it may need in the future, the current design keeps the implementation open and lets us experiment without foreclosing on a possible higher level design in the future. It also matches with the previously added primitive APIs.

Open Questions

  • Should we add a peekValue API to check the value without entangling it? This API is something we've avoided doing for some time because it's very easy to accidentally cause bugs with it, but it's also something that is possible to emulate today with a little extra bookkeeping. It's something that has been asked for a few times as well.

  • Should we add some debug tooling information as the final argument to these APIs? If so, what should that information be?